Tri sigma sign
Tri sigma sign

tri sigma sign

Is my Pride shirt too much? Are my shorts too long? Are my clothes too baggy? Is my hair too short? Does my tie look too masculine? Just like any other member of the LGBTQA+ I am very excited for Pride week, but I will admit I am very nervous for the reactions that will come from it. On a Jesuit, catholic campus, I always worry about other’s reactions to just my daily appearance. Even though we have worked tirelessly attempting to make Pride week the best show of queer culture, all of us will admit to being worried about the reaction. Sometimes your day consists of battling stares, questions and public restrooms, so just imagine the reaction of the week of pure Pride and demonstrating the wonderful aspects of gayness. Going to a Jesuit University is not easy for anyone who is a part of the LGBTQA+ community. You love that you can make a sailboat with your hands.ġ9. Wisdom and power finish out our five values. "Faith, hope and love are the good things he gave us," but God didn't stop there. You're pumped that we now have a national partnership with March of Dimes.ġ6. Purple has become one of your favorite colors. Everyone struggles to find white dresses and shoes.ġ3. We rock the skull and cross bones, but still look good in pearls. Our skull and crossbones motto makes us feel cool. Harmony was created just for Tri Sigma, which makes her the most special of all.ġ1. Tri Sigma alumnae Linda Denham created this important part of our childhood: Care Bears. Standards is not something we are sent to. We know what Sigma Sigma Sigma really means.ĩ. Of course this date has a different meaning to us. The date 4/20 has a different meaning to you. You get aggravated when someone says "Tri Sig."

tri sigma sign

You appreciate the nautical theme much more now.Ħ. You have been referred to as "the sorority with the three E's." You get excited when you get to tell someone Carrie Underwood is your sister.

Tri sigma sign